Even though I was aware it was coming, I was in shock when
the midwife said it was go time. I think the realisation that we were about to
meet the little human that had been growing inside me for the last nine months
really hit. By this stage I was exhausted; pain free but the most tired I have
ever been in my life. I really was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able
to push ‘properly’ given that I had no feeling whatsoever basically from my
sternum down to my toes. The next contraction came, and whilst lying on my side
I was instructed to push. Helen the midwife was providing great encouragement
and giving me confidence that I was indeed pushing down in the right place and also providing enough oomph to get the baby down and out. The
first couple of contractions were good – I felt tired but strong enough to
concentrate on what I had to do. As the time and contractions went on though,
my energy levels started to fade dramatically. By this stage I had been at the
hospital in birth suite number five going on twelve hours, and could barely
stay awake. I can vividly remember during one of the contractions (where I was
encouraged to do five big push-till-you-run-out-of-breath pushes) forgetting
who I was, what I was doing and basically losing consciousness. I was delirious
and wasn't sure I’d be able to push the little man out but perked up when the
word caesarean was mentioned due to the amount of time I’d been at it. A few
more contractions passed and we were told that he was a big one and had a good
amount of hair. I was so surprised and proud of trainee daddy. He had always
joked that he would be waiting in the hallway during the labour and would come
in and have his photo taken when the baby was out and had been cleaned up. Instead,
I noticed (in the few odd times I had my eyes open) that he was down the ‘business’
end checking out what was happening as well as providing great support and
praise during the pushes. The pushing was tough – I’m sure a few more frown
lines were engrained in my forehead from the exertion expelled over that hour
and a half. It was giving me a headache which was distracting me so I told
trainee daddy to put a pillow over my face. He did say when a new person walked
in to the room they were slightly confused why my ‘support partner’ was seemingly
suffocating me. My pushes were from a combination of lying on my side and a
sort of supported vertical squat. I was given the opportunity to view what was
going on downstairs by looking into a mirror placed under the ‘exit’ but politely
declined the offer; or maybe I gave a horrified ‘no thanks’ reply. Even if I
did want to see the progress/hair/head, I did not have the energy (or my
glasses/contacts) to focus.
After about an hour of pushing, the doctor
mentioned that she may need to perform a vacuum delivery if I wasn't able to
get the baby round that final bend as he was becoming distressed due to the
amount of time it was taking (we later found out he was very close to having to be sent to Brisbane). The pushing was not working as effectively as
required because bub was in a very awkward position to make his way through and
down the final hurdle. The doctor and midwife did say my pushes ordinarily
would have been more than sufficient to push a baby out who was in a normal
position. Unfortunately, this baby was not in a normal or ideal position. Being the overly competitive person that I am
that ‘threat’ really spurred me on. Over the next few contractions I believe my
pushes were a thousand times more effective and I believed that I might have
been able to avoid the vacuum. Unfortunately though time and exhaustion got the
better of me and the doctor attached the vacuum to the baby’s head.
Before I
knew it ‘congratulations’ were being thrown around the room. With the epidural
I did feel the sensation of the baby coming out (and also when my waters were
broken hours earlier) but did not feel any pain or feeling. This means I didn't
know that I had done what all women are afraid of doing (yes, my husband saw my
poo (he didn't want me to include that) and also didn't know that I had ‘torn’ (second degree). When the baby was
shown to me I honestly thought he looked like a fat Asian baby or very much
like his dad’s uncle Paul. His head was extremely big and his cheeks were huge.
He was whisked over to the table to be attended to by the paediatrician as he
had swallowed some of the meconium (his own poo) in the womb and was having a
little trouble breathing. That five or ten or fifteen minutes went by so
slowly. The other doctor was down at my end stitching me up and telling me who
knows what. I was too shaken, exhausted and worried that I failed to really
listen to anything she was saying. After the placenta was born (with the help
of the injection to make it come quicker) the little human was brought over to
me and placed on my chest. It was a surreal moment – very foreign. He did make
his way to the boob to have his first feed and then just lay there for some
Once he fell back to sleep I was able to have a sleep too. Trainee daddy
took this photo – I think it shows just how zonked out we both were.
I really don’t know how safe it is to let such a worn out
new mum (and dad) look after such an important little thing after such an
ordeal. I can’t remember what we did or didn’t do in those next few hours in
the birth suite but we survived. I was able to have a shower about three or
four hours after he was born (I was still pretty numb but my legs were strong
enough) and that was one of the best showers of my life. We then made our way
down to the ward to start the next part of the journey – looking after a
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