14 August 2015

Life with Kids | The Essentials : Slow Cooker

Without a doubt one of THE most essential items in a household {with kids or not} is a slow cooker.

As a part-time working mama I don't have the time or energy to prepare a decent dinner meal on days where I leave home at 7:30am and get home after 5:30pm. But you know who does?

My friend, George.

No, not Peppa's brother. Or that curious monkey.

THIS guy.

He has all day to whip up a nutritious, delicious and melt in your mouth meal which will be warm and ready to eat at 6:00pm. What's even better? George's capacity is huge so our slow cooked meal can be enjoyed for a few days meaning less cooking and washing up, value for money and most importantly, convenience. If used effectively, a meal in a slow cooker of this size (3.5L) should feed your family for at least two dinner meals or dinner + lunches for a couple of days.

While all the bells and whistles would be nice, they aren't really required in my house and this affordable slow cooker does exactly what I need it to. It has three settings - low, high and my favourite, auto, which brings your meal up to boiling point and then returns it to low.

The bowl is a stylish black colour, easy to clean and currently takes pride of place on my kitchen benchtop because we use it every week. Some of my favourite slow cooked meals include pulled pork, corn meat/silverside and chilli con carne.

Although I have only used it for savoury meals, I've super keen to try a dessert or two in the slow cooker.

George Foreman products can be purchased from a range of retailers including Target, Big W and the Good Guys. See all stockists here.

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