20 June 2013


With the time-a-tickin' quite quickly till this little tyke is due to enter the world, I do wonder how our dog is going to cope with the new addition. Those that know the husband and I know that our dog is a major (so major I had to bold it) part of our life. Like he was at our wedding. With a bow-tie on. Yes, we are one of those couples.

Last weekend is a perfect example of our Rocky infatuation. I had woken early on Sunday and was up and about doing housework when I sat down to watch Sunrise. A photo was posted of a cat in a jumper and discussion ensued about dressing animals up. Rocky loves dressing up (yea, he told me) and I have numerous photos of him in random human wear. So what do you do as a proud mama? ... you tweet Samantha Armytage a recent photo of your dog hoping they will show it on TV. Not more than ten minutes later Sam said 'I've just received a funny one with a dog in a Queensland jersey'. Even though the husband was enjoying an extended sleep in after going out for a few beers the night before I had to yell out in utter excitement 'Rocky is going to be on the TV!'. The way the husband effortlessly made his way from the bedroom to his favourite lounge room recliner was beyond words. Think lightning fast with the grace of the Tom Cruise Risky Business socks slide across the floor. And he was just in his undies. And maybe socks. Anyway, classic. An hour later, they showed the picture of Rocky. Yes, we sat there waiting, glued to the idiot box. For.That.Long. When Rocky's 10 seconds of fame was up, the husband and I sat there giggling and then high-fived. Yes, we did. And then of course, I instagrammed and facebooked it. Crazy mama. Yes, that is me.

Rocky appears to be an awesome guard dog with one of the meanest sounding barks out but really is the sweetest thing in the world. He knows and responds to mood changes and loves nothing more than cuddling up to mama and daddy in bed. Okay, he likes a few things more than that - going to the beach/dog park/walk/grandmas and of course, din din. But you get the point.

Now you might be thinking what is the point of this whole post? That is if you're even still reading it.

Almost everyone we know has questioned how they think he will cope with the baby. We are thinking (and hoping) that he will happily play the 'protective, older brother' role and will not have even a tinge of jealousy but that is in the ideal world. Only time will tell I guess.

Before you had your children, did this issue cross your mind? I'd love to hear your experiences.

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